What Matters The Most

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What Matters The Most

                This year will be ending soon in hours and most people will be very excited to welcome the New Year with new expectation. Flashback to exactly this time of last year, looking back to your list of expectation of this year… Have you really reach your expectation?

                Still remember a friend of mine who told me her story what she went through that very unique New Year eve which became a turning point of her life. That day was the last day of the year where everyone in the company has already planned to celebrate their New Year countdown either with friends or family. It was a great atmosphere in the office that day where she even organize a surprise birthday celebration for her colleague on the same day before they leave their office for the New Year countdown celebration after work.

                Just before she leaves her office after her colleague surprise birthday celebration, she receives a call from her Director of Human Resources who told her that he wanted to speak to her before she leaves today. With 30 minutes left before the office hour’s ends, she then rush to the Director of Human Resources office hoping to have a quick conversation to end the day then looking forward for an exciting New Year countdown. When she reach the Director of Human Resources office, she greeted him very friendly as usual but she immediately noticed even though he greeted her as well but this time he was a little bit serious & the atmosphere was different. Once she has sat down in the Director of Human Resources office, he took out a letter then handed the letter to her where he explained that her position in the company was made redundant and her service is no longer required for next year.

                After spending more than 10 years in this company since she has graduated, finally the day has arrive where her service is no longer required & no assistance was given to relocate her to any of the subsidy company of the same group. After she received the termination of employment letter, she felt betrayed & abandoned by the company she once love. That was the worst ever New Year eve she ever went through as she was still feeling confuse why her & why happen at New Year eve. As this is the first time she has lost a job in her career especially on this very special day, she still did not know how to tell her family about this.

                When she reach her accommodation, she cancel all her New Year eve celebration party & sat in the living room with her partner. Despite her partner feeling weird why did she cancel all her preplan New Year eve celebration party, she was still not ready to face it. Then the New Year eve countdown begins then while looking at the fireworks through her balcony finally she break down to tears & told her partner about it.

                During the holiday, she spoke to lots of her family members who she has not spoken to for a long time in that 10 years as she always thought that her career was so important & her company needed her so much that her team will collapse without her. Also because of this experience, she suddenly recall her company Assistant Director of Finance who once told her that “Love your job but never fall in love with your company, because you may not know when your current company stops loving you”

                Today my friend has manage to achieve so much in her professional & personal goals after going through this experience. Sometimes we wonder why some people like her achieve so much in life in short period of time but we also forgot what these people has to go through before they achieving it.

                No matter what you are going through right now or what challenges you have to face in future, always remember focus on “What Matters The Most”.
                Wishing you a Happy New Year 2023 & have a bless year ahead!

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